It’s summer still as far as the fleas and ticks are concerned! So don’t stop PREVENTING those nasty bugs from jumping on your pets or entering your house!
BUT… you have them…don’t worry – we all have had them from time to time – you CAN get rid of them – NATURALLY – and quickly…here’s how…
TREAT YOUR LAWN… get a bottle of ATLAST! Lawn Spray… put 2 oz per gallon in a sprayer and go to town on your yard. Spray your bushes and anywhere your dog may go or you think a bug may hide…fleas and ticks love the bushes! SPRAY SPRAY SPRAY! ATLAST! is all natural so you don’t have to worry about harsh chemicals being spread around for your loved ones to be exposed to!
I recommend spraying every 3-5 days for two weeks to break the cycle of eggs hatching – ew gross – but it’s the only way to stop the infestation. So get to it – don’t delay! UNLESS it is raining or it is going to rain that day. Whether you are spraying a chemical based product or a natural one – if it pours soon after you sprayed it, chances are it got washed away…so check out the forecast!
After two weeks of every 3-5 days, then you can go to once a month in the summer and every 6-8 weeks in the winter depending on where you live, of course. If you live in Florida and have dogs and cats and squirrels and rats around you lawn, then I recommend staying with 4-6 weeks, year round, just to be safe.
Next – VACUUM your house, rugs and pet beds every few days – why? – TO BREAK THE CYCLE and get those nasty eggs… you can’t see them – but they are there – EW GROSS!
If you have a bag in your vacuum – throw it out every time you vacuum – so you don’t vacuum out the eggs next time you use it! If you don’t have a bag – then make sure to wash out the vacuum for the same reason!
Next – use ATLAST! Flea & Tick Spray on your dog to help keep the fleas and ticks off of them while you treat the real issue – the YARD… that’s where they live and breed – your dog is just the host – so spray your dog daily or a couple of times a week if you have an infestation and stay worry free that you aren’t putting nasty harsh chemicals on them!
Three easy steps to NATURALLY RID your house and loves ones of fleas!